Riddle Decipher Challenge

The Cognitive Quest is a solo challenge crafted to assess participants' skills in solving riddles and engaging in critical thinking. Entrants will embark on a journey to decipher concealed clues and unravel the enigma of a mysterious scenario.

Duration : 1hr
No. of Rounds : 2
No. of Participants in a Team : 1 participants


Round 1: Riddle Solving (10 Riddles)
Duration: 20 minutes
  • Each participant will be provided with a set of riddles.
  • The riddles may involve logical reasoning, lateral thinking, and wordplay.
  • Participants should decipher the clues and provide answers to the presented riddles.
  • Correct answers will earn points, and the total score will determine the standings for Round 2.
Round 2: Scenario Analysis
Duration: 8+2 Minutes
  • Participants will be presented with a mysterious scenario or a crime scene with hidden clues. A set of questions would be given to the participants for which they have to find the solution.
  • The scenario may involve elements of deduction, observation, and lateral thinking.
  • Participants should analyze the information, connect the dots, and solve the mystery.
  • Correctly identifying the culprits, motives, or hidden clues will earn points for the participant.
  • Each participant would have 8 minutes to read the scenario and develop the solution.
  • Participants have to write the solutions on a piece of paper provided to them, which would be handed over to the judge.
  • Chits would be made to decide the order in which the teams would present their answers to the judge.
  • 2 minutes would be given to each participant to explain their solution to the judge. Any difference in the answers from the one already handed to the judge would lead to disqualification.
  • We would have a tiebreaker round to decide the winner in case of any ties.