Code Replay

Code Relay, as the name suggests, involves coding challenges among team players as they relay to solve the problem at hand. Participants in this event will be tested in areas including technical expertise, teamwork, problem-solving and communication. In this, Tech Team Thrive prioritizes precision, efficiency, and creativity.

Duration : 1hr
No. of Rounds : 3
No. of Participants in a Team : 3 participants


  • The competition will be conducted in a relay format wherein one member from each team will be allowed to code and solve the problem at a time.
  • There will be three rounds, each of 15mins. After each round, there will be a switch among the team participants.
  • The new participant coming to code will have to continue the same question that has been started by the previous participant.
  • In case the participant opts for switching the question that team will be penalized with -5 points.
  • The two participants will be located in empty classes while the third participant will attempt the question and there will be no communication among those participants.
  • There will be 3 questions with difficulty levels easy, medium, and hard.
  • Participants will not be told about these difficulty levels and they can choose which question they want to start with.
  • Allowed coding languages include JAVA, Python, JavaScript, and C.


  • Completion: For completion of each question team will be awarded some points (Easy: 10 Medium: 20 Hard: 30)
  • Time Taken: If a team happens to finish all three questions before time then they will be awarded 1 point for each extra minute.
  • Correctness: The code written by the team should also be able to produce output for each test case. (Points awarded: 10)
  • Comments used: The event also teaches the practice of writing comments in code. So, for every 2 comments that have been included in the code, 1 point will be deducted